A Lisboeta's Blog

The Goer From Lisboa!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Cold Blues

It is wednesday night and instead of being out in the Pub with my best friend and her Australian cousin who I have not seen since we were thirteen (the cousin that is, and not my best friend) I am sitting at home feeling sorry for myself.


Because I have another poxy cold! I have not even begun to recover from the cold in Edinburgh three weeks ago when I started getting the first symptoms this morning of a new cold. I have sneezed at least 50 times today and the worst part is that I have no idea where I got it from!!

At least with the cold in Edinburgh I could blame Marty (for having the first symptoms of a cold) and Kate (for suggesting the ice cube game when we were drunk, some, yes me, were more drunk than others I hasten to add) for the reason why I got it. But now I have NO reason. I hasten to add that blaming those two for the cold thing is meant in the most affectionate way!!

On a better note I did try Salsa dancing last night with the girls and once I got over my initial nervousness it was really good fun. What amused me the most was how different every 'partner' was. All the girls moved around a circle whilst the guys stay in the same spot. Each 'male' (some were girls doubled up) had his own little quirk in the way he/she moved. One guy trod on the big toe on my left foot the first time around and the second time around the circle on the big toe of my right foot. He was very apologetic though!!

I am writing this particular blog from the comfort of my bed. As I was writing the above sentence a medium size spider was making its way down my arm....god knows how it got there but I just wacked my hand against my arm and am fairly sure it is dazed...if not dead. Can't help feeling that if it is only dazed then I will be sharing my bed with a fairly pissed off spider....as I am currenly unable to find it!

Help! Unlike my lovely friend Steve D though (see Naomi's blog for more info) I will not be spending the night chasing after it...me and spiders get along just fine.

Time for that portuguese lesson folks. 'Eu matei a porcaria da aranha'. Translation: 'I killed the sodding spider'.

Ciao for now, la Scania xx


At 8:36 am, Blogger Kate Griffiths said...

Oo er. Public revelations of the ice cube game... oh dear!!

Hope you feel better soon hun!

At 2:30 pm, Blogger la scania said...

Thank you Rich. What are you congratulating me for? Nice use of the accent over the e though!!

Thank you for your good wishes Marty, hope to be feeling better soon and hope you do too!

At 2:31 pm, Blogger la scania said...

And you kate, thanks for the good wishes too. Sorry i felt i had to share the root of my illness with the WORLD!


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