A Lisboeta's Blog

The Goer From Lisboa!

Monday, October 17, 2005


Not sure what is going on with this most recent posting but it was originally called 'stroking pussy's' hence the paragraph below. Am i not allowed to call my entry stroking pussy's? WHY? anyway am going to republish this entry in the hope that it works this time....maybe my mac is being crap?

Must STOP checking blogs and get on with unpacking my bag after my week in Leicester.........grrrrr!

Whilst writing the above title I actually had to sit back and think about how one spells more than one pussy...! But possibly being the crap ex English Literature student that I am I have got it wrong! Whoops and apologies!

Anyway I am sitting on my bed - back at home after an intensive week in leicester for my masters course in cough, cough, 'European Cultural Planning' and after my fifth week on said subject I am still struggling to come to terms with what it ALL means so dont ask me to explain it to you, alright?!

Have just had a shower and got all the chicken shit off me which I had been shovelling for part of today as part of Na's volunteering day at a Wild Cat Sanctuary in Welwyn. Anyway part of the jobs involved shovelling manure into bags to fill up some holes in the meadow and me and Kate were loving kneeling down into it and getting thouroughly DIRTY! Surprisingly enough it doesn't smell...a fact that Kate kept repeating several times (as if to displace us from the reality of what we were doing!).

Anyway thank you Na - we had a great day and hopefully the pictures will go up on her website should you care to peruse.

The highlight of the day was getting to stroke a baby snow leopard - five months old - and the softest little thing you have ever seen.........they have extremely long tails dont you know!

I got home and picked up Cappella, my monster ginger cat, and kissed him lots and lots.....he is still my favourite everytime.

In Steve De's honour some practical Portuguese; Eu estou com fome. Translation; I am hungry.

Ciao for now, Yours Kate's Pyjamas


At 9:33 pm, Blogger Kate Griffiths said...

hee hee, maybe the original title was too explicit!

Thanks for the credit to my pj's - I'm wearing them right now in your honour!


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