A Lisboeta's Blog

The Goer From Lisboa!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Why does it always rain on me?

So I have recovered from my ill phase and on Saturday took myself down to Exeter to see two of my bestest buds in the whole world. Within minutes of seeing Clare she was already trying to plan the next few hours of our day with the utmost military precision. The thing about Clare is that she loves to have a plan. Which is great when you are visiting 'foreign' places and only have a limited time in which to see them BUT we were in Exeter and all I wanted to do was mooch around. Now the thing about me is that I love to shop and whenever I see Clare I always end up dragging her off to some shop or another that doesn't fit in with 'the plan'!

Jo joined us at around sixish and the merriment began, I say this because the thing about Jo (or jojo as most of us call her) is that she has the world's dirtiest laugh. What with my knack for saying filthy things and her knack for laughing dirtily I think we scare Clare a little on occasions. Anyway on Saturday night good food was eaten and fine G & T's were drunk and then we took ourselves off to Exeter City.

Within minutes of walking into the bar, looking like drowned rats as it did not stop raining the whole time we were there, we were joined by Rory and Barry - complete strangers, one was in law and the other was 'self employed'. You know what, as Rory was not forthcoming with what he actually did for a living I decided not to pursue it any further. They seemed like frightfully nice chaps, if a little posh, and I always tend to get 'posher' when confronted with well spoken people. It defies explanation but there we have it......anyway thanks to Rory for taking a great picture of us on my phone. Jojo's cleavage looked FAB!

Then two other lovely men joined us, Ben and Oxo, the latter being Clare's gorgeous boyfriend, although I have to say that Ben was rather scrummy too ;-)

It is so nice to meet Oxo after all this time. I have been really curious and eight months later I was not dissapointed. He clearly adores Clare which is so damn cool. What was even cooler was the conversation between Jojo and Ben which went along the lines of 'If you had to live without one which would it be, sex or music'. Now considereing that Ben and Oxo are both musicians this was a really shitty question to pose! We were debating the merits of music v sex for quite sometime I can tell you. Your comments on said subject are welcomed and encouraged!!

On Sunday we took ourselves off to the continental market in Exeter and bought lots of lovely food from them. In fact sunday was a great food day all round. A baguette, greek salad, paella and salami were consumed for lunch and when I got back from my packed train journey from the country to the city I was greeted by a very handsome fella who whisked me off for a Thai meal in St Albans. Yum! I had the most divine steamed chicken in the world and Rich had the most foul smelling chicken EVER. Poor guy, I think between us we only managed a couple of mouthfulls of it!

Anyway maybe this blog should carry a food warning - beware do not read if you are hungry!! It's like they say, never go shopping on an empty stomach cos you end up buying ebverything you crave for there and then and dont get anything remotely useful for the rest of the day/week!!! I have eaten already but all this talk of food is making me hungry again, dammit!!

Well my week ahead looks quite interesting; on Tuesday I am off to Winchester to listen to Lord Anthony Giddens give a talk on globalisation (he is singlehandedly responsible for the Third Way theory which has so influenced Blair's policies) and on Thursday I am going Dog Racing, something I have wanted to do for a very very long time. Should be hilarious as I have no concept of betting terminologies and knowing me as soon as I win one race I am likely to get so excited that I bet all my wordly possessions!!

Se vais visitar Exeter lembra-te to chapeu de chuva. Translation: If you're visiting Exeter remember to take an umbrella.

I didn't !!

Ta ra pet, ta ra xxx


At 12:15 am, Blogger Kate Griffiths said...

Music v sex. Well, right now I'd go for sex, but then I've had that kind of complicated evening. Once I've finished typing this, I might blog about it, but then there is a high chance that I will think better of it too. Usually music though I guess... what's more fulfilling? Sex to music, now that would be the ideal.

And, I'm STARVING, as I'm suffering from a not very favourable Stella vs food ratio. Stupid Kate.

Enjoy the dogs!

At 12:35 am, Blogger Kate Griffiths said...

Oh, and by the way, the clock lies. I am not actually drunk at 4.15pm. That must be American time or something. It's actually 00.34 and I've got an 08.00 meeting. Very clever Kate, very clever. Not.


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