Spring has Sprung
Well it really feels like spring has sprung and that there are new beginnings/ happenings around the corner.
Firstly I need to get my next essay done and out of the way - deadline is monday and having to write 3,000 fairly intelligent words over the weekend is scaring me slightly.
After the 27th I can start to relax, see friends at the weekend a little more and also spend time with the lovely man in my life who I feel I have neglected of late.
I really enjoyed reading a friend's blog entry last week when she was describing the feedback that she had got from her big boss man and it made me feel really proud of her as she works so bloody hard!
Last week was also a good week workwise for me as I have found the last two and half years in my job really tough going at times. Last August we found out that our organisation would be merging with two others and we would be relocating to Cambridge. Now as much as I love Camobridge it really isn't a place that I can see me moving to - especially not in my current role. For me both professionally and personally it is really important to be near London plus all my friends are in this area or accesible for me to drive to them.
Anyway a plan had been brewing in my little head about the possibility of future career prospects and on Friday I seized the moment and went out to lunch with one of our Directors in order to chat with them about my ideas and possible plans and they were really positive about them.
As nothing has been confirmed yet I won't divulge everything but needless to say i have this warm feeling around me at the moment and despite other things not being quite as I would wish them to be there is a little chink of happiness around me at the moment.
Also we had out first readthrough of the new play that Act2 is doing on monday. The play is called 'Electric Candlelight' by Pete Hawes (this will the third play of his that I will be in!!), I am really excited as the cast is excellent and the play is just SO damn funny. Being the theatre whore promoter that I am, I have been telling everyone I know to keep the 31 May to 3 June free for them to come and see the show!!! It will be great!!
The only weird thing is that I play this character that is a bit of a crap girlfrind and only three weeks into the relationship is convinced that the honeymoon period is over. So, well... ok I can act. Not a problem. BUT I am playing the girfriend of the main character, Stuart, who will be played by Rich (my boyfriend). Hmmmm this is difficult to explain but it is slightly weird as we will be playing boyfriend and girlfriend in some weird alternative reality where everything is horrible, the romance is dead and she (me) is really really whiny with him and rude. Something in reality that I am not.