A Lisboeta's Blog

The Goer From Lisboa!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Not quite what you expected.....

This blog entry is for the very loveliest, but currently most melancholy, man whom I dearly adore.

Happy Birthday for yesterday mate!

I know it wasn't the best one of your life but I hope that you were entertained for some hours of the day.

Things have to and WILL get better.

ladybird xxxx

ps. feel quite sad now :(
pps. se eu pudesse eu estava contigo - which translated means, "if I could I would be there with you"

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Birthdays, blogs, illness and smoking

This blog entry has the feel of a registry office 'Births, marriages, divorces and deaths' a little of everything and very little of nothing.

It is my best friends birthday today and although she is not even aware of the existence of this blog I still think I would like to take this opportunity to say "Feliz Aniversario Filipa - quem me dera estar ai contigo'!!

Now you may ask yourself, why on earth does her best friend not know about her blog, and it isn't just because if I told her then i couldn't say bad things about her behind her back or something equally as appaling! It is just that she lives in Portugal and speaks Portuguese and can't really understand English all that well and so therefore there seems to be little point in telling her about it :( kind of sad, eh?

As for blogs EVERYONE I know seems to be updating their blogs and I feel like I have been left behind with this one. No photos, jokes or puzzles just me writing about my life and its (very little at the moment) goings on. Actually i lie, there is a LOT going on and I just don't particularly feel like sharing it with anyone as I am unsure about how to verbalise what it is that I am feeling. Needless to say I am hormonal and feeling cross with a system that is frustrating me and I currently feel really really powerless and wronged.

I thought that this New Year would bring a fresh start.

On a more positive note I spoke to another very good friend today who told me that three weeks ago today he stopped smoking and that he hasn't felt so good in a long time. I asked him if his partner had quit too and he told me that he was going at it alone. Although I don't smoke, and never have, I told him that i really admire him for doing so as it must be really hard to stick to it when you live with someone who chuffs away as often as they both used to. Hopefully in the end they will both quit. He said the biggest change happened when he was sitting in his office and he smelt something really nice and realised that it was his fabric conditioner that he uses on his clothes and had never smelt before. Funny huh?!

Anyway am going to go and get some sleep so that when i drag myself out of bed tomorrow morning I don't feel quite as wretched as I have been feeling so far this week.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Elizabeth, her lover and the horse

I have just watched the BBCs latest drama adaptation 'Elizabeth' and found myself melting at the scene where her lover proposes that they go riding like they used to do. And sure enough they did, they rode off on a beautiful stallion, her sitting with her legs to the side and he holding tight behind her.

And now I am sitting here wondering whether it is just me or whether that scene would have stirred similar feelings in any other person? I have always wanted to ride a horse on a beach and the thought of riding a horse with a lovely man just makes me go wibbly at the knees.

Anyway this is now another thing to add to my must do list and now I just have to persuade the gorgeous man that i happen to be 'courting' to do it with me. Not sure what the logistics are for getting a 2metre tall man on a horse are (aren't all horse jockeys small?) but hey if he agrees then we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it!!

Anway get well soon babe, I miss you and want you all better so that we can get ourselves down to the cinema to watch 'Brokeback Mountain'!!!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The health food shop and the pigeon

Hey 2006! You crept on me rather quickly and to be honest with you I am kind of relieved. 2005 has had its fair share of traumas both personal and not, although to be fair it was also really wonderful too in many ways.

It heralded the start of a love affair with the Big Apple which i think will last a lifetime and it also gave me a chance to set foot on the creaking treadboards of the Edinburgh Fringe once more and for that i am indebted to the guys at Act Two. I have made some wonderful friendships with them which were firmly bonded in that one week of madness in Scotland.

And 2006 what do you have in store for me?! Well to start with the countries and places i plan to visit this year and in no particular order are Copenhagen, Germany, Rome, Lisbon, Jersey and Brazil too!!! Woo hoo!!! So a pretty good start all round and the rest will become clear as the year unfolds....

Anyway having not blogged for a little while something happened yesterday which really made we want to note it down. I was in Holland and Barratt (a health food shop buying some vitamin B complex stuff, my theory is that this not only calms me down during periods of crazy madness but it also really helps my migraines...) and was at the checkout paying for my goods when a pigeon flew in through the open door flapped about in a mad panic and made his way to the window display and proceeded to REALLY panic when it realised it couldn't get back out. The assistant who was serving me couldn't get out of behing the counter quick enough! She was so damn nervous about the pigeon and asked in a panicked and squeaky voice if anyone would help her.

Now i hate pigeons with a passion and I really didn't think that i was brave anough to hold onto it and get it outside so there was a few seconds of total silence amongst the reluctant shoppers until finally they were forced to speak and tell her they too were not brave enough to pick up the damn pigeon.

Anyway the shop assistant was told to get a towel and drape it over the poor animal - she got her coat and yours truly felt brave enough to throw it over the 'beast with wings' whilst extremely reluctantly the nervous man behind me (who was buying vast amounts of Zinc) volunteered to pick up the bird. Well the little rascal kept moving about (the bird not the man) and so the shop assistant 'helpfully' told me to lift the display boards off the window so i could get closer. In the end the bird calmed down sufficiently enough for the man to grab it and gently take it outside. It really surprised me how calm the pigeon became in his hands and how the guy actually stood outside with it in his hands for a few moments before releasing it into the air.

So from a normal setting where you go in and buy your stuff and walk back out, to a moment inside the shop where everything changes and a conversation with strangers sets in and you pull togther to make something work. I walked out of the shop thinking about whether anyone else inside would remember that very odd and slightly panicky moment when a pigeon flew into a shop.