Eight men on a platform
Well despite my fantastic time in Cork and the fact that I wanted to run away to Sherkin Island (West Cork) to run and maintain an abondoned Friary I am back and wishing that the weather wasn't so blooming miserable!
I think I am definately one of those react to weather types that can only be happy in the sunshine either that or the last two weeks events have taken their toll on my body - hence the lack of postings.
First of all I was exposed to the frights of Thorpe Park last Sunday (with a hangover) and it took me hours to recover from the sick feeling and secondly I have spent the last two weeks in a morose state trying to get through a heart wrenchingly beautiful book which gave me the belief that true love did exist, only to face up to the fact that the main character WASN'T in love with me and that I was living in a fantasy world.
Thirdly ladies and gentleman I have joined a gym. To be frankly honest I was totally fed up with the bumbling idiot who has persisted in calling me for the last two weeks to see if I was interested in joining up with them after my free one day trial. Told him the first time that I was going to have a think about it and lo and behold he started pestering me again. He bumbles and he stutters and he drives me insane and when I actually turned up to join he looked like he was going to wet himslef with fright....am I really that scary?
Now some of you (not many, in fact only one) have complained about my choice of portuguese phrases and the fact that they have thus far been pretty bloody useless when it comes to ordering a drink or finding the station....
So here goes a cracker 'Eu vou para a cama, queres vir comigo?'. Which translated means 'I am going to bed, fancy joining me?' Well it is Friday night after all and these type of phrases might come in useful on your friday and saturday nights boys and girls or even on holiday to Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, East Timor, Goa, Macau, Azores, Madeira or the Cape Verde Islands.....
Better than 'Are you feeling horny baby, do you fancy coming back to mine?' which is what I was treated to last week by some complete and utter jerk on my Saturday night out. Luckily for me I wasn't eh? ;-)
Before I forget the title for my blog is inspired by the amusement/panic that I felt whilst standing in St Albans Railway Station on Wednesday during the day and witnessed eight policeman in their bright yellow jackets try to walk nonchalantly down the platform edge. It was mighty suspicious and cracked me up that they were trying to blend in as best they could on an empty platform!
Yours, Bridget 'LaScania' Fonda xxx