A Lisboeta's Blog

The Goer From Lisboa!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Eight Days & Counting

So I really dont mean to to winge or 'owt but this illness has really got a grip over me. Eight days in and I am still feeling wretched.

So yesterday was a good day...I was resting from work and trying to get over what had been a really BAD PAIN weekend, I thought I would be going into work today and that it would be ok.

Oh no - boy was I wrong - woke up at 6.30am today and was in pain, you know what three hours later I am still in pain. So my body had me fooled huh?

So last Thursday I visited the emergency out of hours GP for antibiotics and I spoke to my homeopath. Anyone ever tried homeopathic remedies or been to a homeopath? I have been seeing this particular lady for at least ten years and she is magical. So I am currently taking remedies and antibiotics all at once which is totally against the rules and have spoken to her this morning and had to 'fess up to it. Homeopathic remedies and antibiotics do not make good bedfellows.

Anyway she was very kind about it and has advised me to crush the one homeopathic tablet I have left and take a little bit of the powder as required. Apparently it doesn't make a difference whether you take a whole tablet or a bit it still does the same thing....how very clever! Just had a bit of the powder and you know what I feel a little better, told you she was magical!

Anyway ever hopeful that I will make a full recovery and get better soon. Will let you know.

Yours, a frustrated LaScania xxx

Monday, October 24, 2005

Chop off my feet someone...please?

Last night was the first time in six days that I had been feeling more or less ok.

I have been really ill with an infection and as hard as I have tried to shake it off all week I kept pushing myself to go into work and making myself worse. The pain got so bad on Thursday night that I would rather have chopped my feet off than put up with the pain that I was experiencing!!


This weekend I had also planned to go and see my first Lacrosse match as well as hoping to see Charlie, Richelle, Carrie and Amy get 'jiggy' on the stage in a production of Guys and Dolls in Hertford - alas I was unable to do ANY of it. incidentally i hear that it was extremely good!

Anyway I just want to say thanks to the surprise guest who made an appearance last night and put a well needed smile on my face :-) you have no idea how much I needed that!

Also thanks to Churchy and Ms Griff for regailing me with their mad and funny stories of their week and thanks to Marty too for the advice on eating cake. I had a mince pie, does that count?!!

Eu quero ir dancar, queres vir comigo? Translation: I want to go dancing, do you want to come with me?

Yours, Archie's Dressing Gown

Monday, October 17, 2005


Not sure what is going on with this most recent posting but it was originally called 'stroking pussy's' hence the paragraph below. Am i not allowed to call my entry stroking pussy's? WHY? anyway am going to republish this entry in the hope that it works this time....maybe my mac is being crap?

Must STOP checking blogs and get on with unpacking my bag after my week in Leicester.........grrrrr!

Whilst writing the above title I actually had to sit back and think about how one spells more than one pussy...! But possibly being the crap ex English Literature student that I am I have got it wrong! Whoops and apologies!

Anyway I am sitting on my bed - back at home after an intensive week in leicester for my masters course in cough, cough, 'European Cultural Planning' and after my fifth week on said subject I am still struggling to come to terms with what it ALL means so dont ask me to explain it to you, alright?!

Have just had a shower and got all the chicken shit off me which I had been shovelling for part of today as part of Na's volunteering day at a Wild Cat Sanctuary in Welwyn. Anyway part of the jobs involved shovelling manure into bags to fill up some holes in the meadow and me and Kate were loving kneeling down into it and getting thouroughly DIRTY! Surprisingly enough it doesn't smell...a fact that Kate kept repeating several times (as if to displace us from the reality of what we were doing!).

Anyway thank you Na - we had a great day and hopefully the pictures will go up on her website should you care to peruse.

The highlight of the day was getting to stroke a baby snow leopard - five months old - and the softest little thing you have ever seen.........they have extremely long tails dont you know!

I got home and picked up Cappella, my monster ginger cat, and kissed him lots and lots.....he is still my favourite everytime.

In Steve De's honour some practical Portuguese; Eu estou com fome. Translation; I am hungry.

Ciao for now, Yours Kate's Pyjamas

Sunday, October 02, 2005

A Nearly Free Taxi Ride

Well having planned to spend the weekend in Northampton catching up with Edward I found out yesterday morning that he was full of flu and thus unable to receive me and Laura. Although dissapointed I immediately knew that not all was lost and I could arrange to meet the guys in London to see Marty and Moeker play at The Spitz!!

Having called a very hungover Kate (I hasten to add it was already 11am so no excuses) to arrange Saturday night's plans I set about spending the whole day in my pyjamas and slobbing around the house.....something I haven't done in a VERY long time.

The gig was totally great and in a really nice venue although it was really amusing seing Marty play with such a small drum kit...boy does he like his BIG kit. Marty was trying to think of ways to impress Stevie B and unfortunately my suggestion of naked drum playing fell on deaf ears. By the way their new song is ACE! My friend Laura came along to the gig too and was busy eyeing up every cute guy in the room and dancing with me in a drunken manner by the side of the stage.

Anyway in a cinderellaesque type fashion Laura and I got whisked off at 12.30 by a friendly taxi driver who was taking us to Kings Cross. He was telling us that he had just had Joseph Fiennes in his cab and that he was the most intelligent actor that he had met. We asked him if he had had lots of famous customers and he asked us to guess the only person that he has ever requested to have his photo taken with, he said that if we guessed right we could get our fare for free. I swear to God that my first and only guess was 'Bill Clinton'. Well the guy totally and properly lost it. He could NOT believe that I had guessed correctly. Neither could I! He kept insisting that I had met him before or that I had seen his picture in the Addison Lee Magazine (as if).

When I explained that my cousin had had the pleasure of being invited to one of his party's at the White House and that he was the most charismatic, powerful and personable man he had ever met this struck a chord with me and hence was my first natural guess as to why a man such as our cab driver would want his picture taken with him.

When we got to Kings Cross he insisted that the fare was on the house, but being the decent gals that we are we thrust a tenner in his hand and continued on our merry journey home!

Yours, Misty Harris xxx

PS. 'Este conjuto de tambores e muito pequeno'. Translation: This drum kit is too small.